# 13


Part 1 / Florina Leinß + Lea Rasovszky + Oana Paula Vainer in Karlsruhe / January 2016

Oana Paula Vainer
Just as stars are hidden during the day yet hang above us still,
it is true that one dreams all day long, just as during the night

2016, Video, 17 min. 18sec.
Oana Paula Vainer
A storytelling of a five days performance
2016, slide show + video

Lea Rasovszky
Nude with Tzutzulica
2013, pastel, oil on paper
Lea Rasovszky
2015, engraving, acrylic

Lea Rasovszky
Caravaggio's Lover (left)
Panther by Rilke and Falling in love in General (right)
both 2015, acrylic on paper

Florina Leinß / pic90.16ersatzteillager, 2016, acrylic on wall + pic82.14perforation, 2014, varnish on MDF

The less I know the better / performance by Oana Paula Vainer

Oana Paula Vainer
The less I know the better
2016, folded paper with passport pattern (de/ro)

Florina Leinß www.florinaleinss.de
Oana Paula Vainer www.oanavainer.de